Package 'c212'

Title: Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials Using Body-Systems (System Organ Classes)
Description: Provides a self-contained set of methods to aid clinical trial safety investigators, statisticians and researchers, in the early detection of adverse events using groupings by body-system or system organ class. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) (EPSRC) [award reference 1521741] and Frontier Science (Scotland) Ltd. The package title c212 is in reference to the original Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) funded project which was named CASE 2/12.
Authors: Raymond Carragher [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Raymond Carragher <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-03-04 05:48:13 UTC

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Methods for the Detection of Safety Signals in Randomised Controlled Trials using Groupings.


This package implements a number of methods for the detection of safety signals in Clinical Trials based on groupings of adverse events by body-system or system organ class. The methods include an implementation of the Three-Level Hierarchical model for Clinical Trial Adverse Event Incidence Data of Berry and Berry (2004) and an implementation of the same model without the Point Mass (Model 1a from Xia et al (2011)), extended Bayesian hierarchical methods based on system organ class or body-system groupings for interim analyses. The package also implements a number of methods for error control when testing multiple hypotheses, specifically control of the False Discovery Rate (FDR). The FDR control methods implemented are the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, the Double False Discovery Rate, the Group Benjamini-Hochberg and subset Benjamini-Hochberg methods. Also included are the Bonferroni correction and the unadjusted testing procedure.


The methods implemented use assumed groupings of adverse events by body-system or system organ class to detect differences in the occurrence of adverse events on trial arms. Methods based on Bayesian Hierarchical models and direct error controlling procedures are provided.

The basic (Bayesian) hierarchical models are described in Berry and Berry (2004), Xia et al (2011) (Model 1a) and Berry et al (2010). These methods are extended for interim analyses.

The direct error controlling methods are designed to control the number of Type-I errors at an acceptable level without compromising the power. If the Familywise Error Rate (FWER) is defined as the probability of making one or more Type-I errors when analysing multiple hypotheses (the “family”), then an alternative to controlling the FWER is to control the False Discovery Rate (FDR) - the expected proportion of false discoveries (Type-I errors) to the total number of discoveries. Essentially control of the FDR assumes that when many of the tested hypotheses are rejected it may be preferable to control the proportion of errors rather than the probability of making even one error. This is expected to lead to a gain in power. Further FDR controlling methods which use the information available in groupings of hypotheses have been developed (Double False Discovery Rate (Mehrotra and Adewale (2012)), Group Benjamini-Hochberg (Hu, Zhao and Zhou (2010))). For the methods contained in this package control of the False Discovery Rate has been established for independent test statistics and some forms of positive dependency (positive regression dependency), apart from the case of the Group Benjamini-Hochberg procedure where the control is asymptotic. Further details can be found in the references.


R. Carragher<[email protected]; [email protected]>


S. M. Berry and D. A. Berry (2004). Accounting for multiplicities in assessing drug safety: a three- level hierarchical mixture model. Biometrics, 60(2):418-26.

H. Amy Xia, Haijun Ma, and Bradley P. Carlin (2011). Bayesian hierarchical modelling for detecting safety signals in clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 21(5):1006– 1029.

Scott M. Berry, Bradley P. Carlin, J. Jack Lee, and Peter M¨ller (2010). Bayesian adaptive methods for clinical trials. CRC Press.

Benjamini, Yoav and Hochberg, Yosef, (1995). Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 57(1):289-300.

D. V. Mehrotra and J. F. Heyse (2004). Use of the false discovery rate for evaluating clinical safety data. Stat Methods Med Res, 13(3):227–38, 2004.

Mehrotra, D. V. and Adewale, A. J. (2012). Flagging clinical adverse experiences: reducing false discoveries without materially compromising power for detecting true signals. Stat Med, 31(18):1918-30.

Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010). False Discovery Rate Control With Groups. J Am Stat Assoc, 105(491):1215-1227.

Y. Benjamini, A. M. Krieger, and D. Yekutieli (2006). Adaptive linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate. Biometrika, 93(3):491–507.

Benjamini Y, Hochberg Y. (2000). On the Adaptive Control of the False Discovery Rate in Multiple Testing With Independent Statistics. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 25(1):60–83.

Yekutieli, Daniel (2008). False discovery rate control for non-positively regression dependent test statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(2):405-415.

Matthews, John N. S. (2006) Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials, Second Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science.

Implementation of the Berry and Berry Three-Level Hierarchical Model without Point-Mass.


Implementaion of Berry and Berry model without the point-mass (Model 1a Xia et al (2011))


c212.1a(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 10000, iter = 40000,
	nchains = 3,
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "SLICE"),
	param = c("sigma_MH", "w"),
	value = c(0.35,1), control = c(0,6), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	initial_values = NULL,
	hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0.0 = 0, tau2.gamma.0.0 = 10,
	mu.theta.0.0 = 0, tau2.theta.0.0 = 10, alpha.gamma.0.0 = 3,
	beta.gamma.0.0 = 1, alpha.theta.0.0 = 3, beta.theta.0.0 = 1,
	alpha.gamma = 3, beta.gamma = 1,
	alpha.theta = 3, beta.theta = 1))


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants in the trial arm).


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
sigma2.theta, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0,

where each element of the list is either a dataframe or array. The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0: array of size chain.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The details of the complete conditional densities are given in Berry and Berry (2004). The posterior distributions for gamma and theta are sampled with either a Metropolis-Hastings step or a slice sampler.


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin,
	iter, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, gamma,
	theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - the burnin period for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


S. M. Berry and D. A. Berry (2004). Accounting for multiplicities in assessing drug safety: a three- level hierarchical mixture model. Biometrics, 60(2):418-26.

H. Amy Xia, Haijun Ma, and Bradley P. Carlin (2011). Bayesian hierarchical modelling for detecting safety signals in clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 21(5):1006– 1029.

Scott M. Berry, Bradley P. Carlin, J. Jack Lee, and Peter M¨ller (2010). Bayesian adaptive methods for clinical trials. CRC Press.


raw = c212.1a(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.1a(

[1] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5" "Bdy-sys_6"
[7] "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8"

mean(rm$theta[2, 3,1,])
[1] 1.306362

## End(Not run)

A Two or Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Two or Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


c212.1a.interim(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 10000,
		iter = 40000, nchains = 3,
		global.sim.params = NULL,
		sim.params = NULL,
		monitor = NULL,
		initial_values = NULL,
		hier = 3,
		level = 1,
		hyper_params = NULL,
		memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns I_index (interval index), B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants in the trial arm).


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


A dataframe indicating which sets of If NULL is passed default parameters are variables to monitor. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0,

where each element of the list is either a dataframe or array. The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0: array of size chain.


Model using a two or three level hierarchy. 2 - two-level hierarchy, 3 - three level hierarchy.


The level of longitudinal dependency between the intervals. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2 for a three-level hierarchy and 0, 1 for a two-level hierarchy. 0 - independent intervals, 1 - common interval body-system means, 2 - weak dependency.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are based on those given in Berry and Berry 2004. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The models are fitted by Gibbs samplers. The posterior distributions for gamma and theta are sampled with either a Metropolis-Hastings step or a slice sampler.


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values for the three-level hierarchy is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys, maxBs,
	maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin, iter, monitor,
	mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, gamma,
	theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)

The output from the simulation including all the sampled values for the two-level hierarchy is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys, maxBs,
	maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin, iter, monitor,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, gamma,
	theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run.

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.1a.interim(c212.trial.interval.data1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.1a.interim(c212.trial.interval.data1)

    [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

Implementation of the Berry and Berry Three-Level Hierarchical Model.


Implementaion of Berry and Berry model (2004), also model 1b from Xia et al (2011).


c212.BB(, burnin = 20000, iter = 60000, nchains = 3,
	theta_algorithm = "MH", sim_type = "SLICE",
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "MH", "MH", "MH",
	param = c("sigma_MH_alpha", "sigma_MH_beta", "sigma_MH_gamma",
	"sigma_MH_theta", "w_alpha", "w_beta", "w_gamma"),
	value = c(3, 3, 0.2, 0.2, 1, 1, 1), control = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	initial_values = NULL,
	hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0.0 = 0,
	tau2.gamma.0.0 = 10, mu.theta.0.0 = 0, tau2.theta.0.0 = 10,
	alpha.gamma.0.0 = 3, beta.gamma.0.0 = 1, alpha.theta.0.0 = 3,
	beta.theta.0.0 = 1, alpha.gamma = 3,
	beta.gamma = 1, alpha.theta = 3, beta.theta = 1,
	lambda.alpha = 1.0, lambda.beta = 1.0), = 0.5,
	pm.weights = NULL,
	adapt_params = data.frame(min_w = 0.25, chains = 3, burnin = 20000,
	iter = 40000),


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


MCMC algorithm used to sample the theta variables. "MH" is the only currently supported stable algorithm.


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions apart from theta. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, pi, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0,
	tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi)

The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi: array of size chain.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.

A global weighting for the proposal distribution used to sample theta.


Override for specific adverse events.


Unused parameter.


Unused parameter.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The details of the complete conditional densities are given in Berry and Berry (2004).


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, theta_alg, sim_type, chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B,
	burnin, iter, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0,
	tau2.theta.0, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta,
	pi, alpha.pi, beta.pi, alpha.pi_acc, beta.pi_acc, gamma, theta,
	gamma_acc, theta_acc, theta_zero_prop, theta_zero_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

theta_alg - an string identifying the algorithm used to sample theta

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

pi - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin alpha.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin beta.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

alpha.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the alpha.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

beta.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the beta.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_zero_prop - the number of zeros proposed in theta sampling. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs theta_zero_acc - the acceptance rate for zeros for the theta samples. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


S. M. Berry and D. A. Berry (2004). Accounting for multiplicities in assessing drug safety: a three- level hierarchical mixture model. Biometrics, 60(2):418-26.

H. Amy Xia, Haijun Ma, and Bradley P. Carlin (2011). Bayesian hierarchical modelling for detecting safety signals in clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 21(5):1006– 1029.

Scott M. Berry, Bradley P. Carlin, J. Jack Lee, and Peter M¨ller (2010). Bayesian adaptive methods for clinical trials. CRC Press.


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(

[1] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5" "Bdy-sys_6"
[7] "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8"

mean(raw$theta[2, 1,1,])
[1] 0.1088401

median(raw$theta[2, 1,1,])
[1] 0

## End(Not run)

A Two or Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Two or Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


c212.BB.interim(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 20000,
	iter = 60000, nchains = 5, theta_algorithm = "MH",
	global.sim.params = NULL,
	sim.params = NULL,
	monitor = NULL,
	initial_values = NULL,
	hier = 3,
	level = 1,
	hyper_params = NULL, = 0.5,
	pm.weights = NULL,
	adapt_phase=1, memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


MCMC algorithm used to sample the theta variables. "MH" is the only currently supported stable algorithm.


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions apart from theta. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


A dataframe indicating which sets of variables to monitor. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, pi, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0,
	tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi)

The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi: array of size chain.


Model using a two or three level hierarchy. 2 - two-level hierarchy, 3 - three level hierarchy.


The level of longitudinal dependency between the intervals. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2 for a three-level hierarchy and 0, 1 for a two-level hierarchy. 0 - independent intervals, 1 - common interval body-system means, 2 - weak dependency.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004. Passing NULL uses the model defaults.

A global weighting for the proposal distribution used to sample theta.


Override for specific adverse events.


Unused parameter.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The details of the complete conditional densities are given in Berry and Berry (2004).


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values for the three-level hierarchy is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys,
	maxBs, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin,
	iter, monitor, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0,
	gamma, theta,  mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi,
	alpha.pi, beta.pi,
	alpha.pi_acc, beta.pi_acc, gamma_acc, theta_acc)

The output from the simulation including all the sampled values for the two-level hierarchy is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys,
	maxBs, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin,
	iter, monitor,
	gamma, theta,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi,
	gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

pi - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin alpha.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin beta.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

alpha.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the alpha.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

beta.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the beta.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB.interim(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB.interim(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1)

     [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

Implementation of Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for False Discovery Rate control


Implementaion of Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for False Discovery Rate control. The hypotheses' data can be contained in a file or data frame.


c212.BH(, alpha = 0.05)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must include a column called p which contains the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant by the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.


No check is made for duplicate rows in the input file or data frame.


R. Carragher<[email protected]>


Benjamini, Yoav and Hochberg, Yosef, (1995). Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 57(1):289-300.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.BH(, 0.05)

## Not run: 
   B j   AE      p
1  2 2  AE3 0.0010
2  3 2  AE7 0.0013
3  3 3  AE8 0.0023
4  2 3  AE4 0.0050
5  2 1  AE2 0.0100
6  3 7 AE12 0.0109
7  3 4  AE9 0.0110
8  3 6 AE11 0.0160
9  3 1  AE6 0.0200
10 3 5 AE10 0.0230

## End(Not run)

Benjamini-Hochberg procedure adjusted p-values


Benjamini-Hochberg procedure adjusted p-values.




File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must include a column called p which contains the p-values of the hypotheses.


Returns the original data frame, ordered by p, with an additional column p_adj.


The adjusted p values may be directly compared to a value alpha to determine whether to declare a hypothesis significant under the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure at level alpha.


No check is made for duplicate rows in the input file or data frame.


R. Carragher<[email protected]>


D. V. Mehrotra and J. F. Heyse (2004). Use of the false discovery rate for evaluating clinical safety data. Stat Methods Med Res, 13(3):227–38, 2004.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

adj <- c212.BH.adjust.pvals(

## Not run: 
   B j   AE        p      p_adj
1  2 2  AE3 0.001000 0.01105000
2  3 2  AE7 0.001300 0.01105000
3  3 3  AE8 0.002300 0.01303333
4  2 3  AE4 0.005000 0.02125000
5  2 1  AE2 0.010000 0.02671429
6  3 7 AE12 0.010900 0.02671429
7  3 4  AE9 0.011000 0.02671429
8  3 6 AE11 0.016000 0.03400000
9  3 1  AE6 0.020000 0.03777778
10 3 5 AE10 0.023000 0.03910000
11 1 1  AE1 0.135005 0.20864409
12 2 4  AE5 0.153501 0.21745975
13 4 3 AE15 0.308339 0.39571386
14 4 5 AE17 0.325882 0.39571386
15 4 1 AE13 0.559111 0.63365913
16 4 2 AE14 0.751986 0.79898513
17 4 4 AE16 0.837154 0.83715400

## End(Not run)

adj[adj$p_adj <= 0.05, ]

## Not run: 
   B j   AE      p      p_adj
1  2 2  AE3 0.0010 0.01105000
2  3 2  AE7 0.0013 0.01105000
3  3 3  AE8 0.0023 0.01303333
4  2 3  AE4 0.0050 0.02125000
5  2 1  AE2 0.0100 0.02671429
6  3 7 AE12 0.0109 0.02671429
7  3 4  AE9 0.0110 0.02671429
8  3 6 AE11 0.0160 0.03400000
9  3 1  AE6 0.0200 0.03777778
10 3 5 AE10 0.0230 0.03910000

## End(Not run)

Plot Raw Adverse Event Incidence Data


Test the hypothesis that the proportions in two groups are the same. adverse event.


c212.bin.test(, alternative = "two.sided", correct = TRUE)


A file or data frame containing the trial data. The data frame must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


Alternative hypothesis may be "two.sided", "greater" or "less". The default is "two.sided".


Apply a continuity correction.


Test the hypothesis that the proportions in two groups are the same.


Dataframe containing the results of the test. A copy of the input dataframe with an additional column p containing the p-value from the test.


Wrapper for the R function 'prop.test' in package 'stats'.


R. Carragher


pr = c212.bin.test(

## Not run: 
          B j       AE            p
1 Bdy-sys_1 1 Adv-Ev_1 2.893605e-01
2 Bdy-sys_2 1 Adv-Ev_2 5.711463e-03
3 Bdy-sys_2 2 Adv-Ev_3 1.655715e-02
4 Bdy-sys_2 3 Adv-Ev_4 6.497695e-01
5 Bdy-sys_2 4 Adv-Ev_5 7.433433e-01
6 Bdy-sys_3 1 Adv-Ev_6 8.419469e-08

## End(Not run)

Implementation of Bonferroni correction for error control


The Bonferroni correction controls the Familywise Error Rate.


c212.BONF(, alpha = 0.05)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must include a column called p which contains the p-values of the hypotheses.


The value for error control, e.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant.


No check is made for duplicate rows in the input file or data frame.


R. Carragher


Matthews, John N. S. (2006) Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials, Second Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023, 0.011,
0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.BONF(, 0.05)

## Not run: 
  B j  AE      p
1 2 2 AE3 0.0010
2 3 2 AE7 0.0013
3 3 3 AE8 0.0023

## End(Not run)

Convergence Diagnostics of the Simulation


The function applies either Gelman-Rubin or the Geweke diagnostic to the raw output of model simulation (e.g. c212.BB). It returns the convergence diagnostics and, if applicable, the acceptance rates for the sampling distributions.


c212.convergence.diag(raw, debug_diagnostic = FALSE)



The output from a model simulation.


Unused parameter.


parameter is time consuming. This function applies one of two convergence diagnostics to the raw output of a model simulation in order to allow convergence to be assessed. The two diagnostics are:

i) Gelman-Rubin diagnostic - used when there is more than one chain. A value close to 1 is consistent with an MCMC simulation which has converged. The ‘coda’ diagnostic returns a point estimate and upper confidence limits.

ii) Geweke diagnostic - used when there is a single chain. A Z-score which is consistent with a standard normal distribution is expected from an MCMC simulation which has converged.

The raw sample data is converted to ‘coda’ format (mcmc objects) and the ‘coda’ methods gelman.diag and geweke.diag are used to perform the checks.


Returns a list of the diagnostics for each sampled variable. Each individual element of the list is a data.frame containing at least the columns type, which is the type of diagnostic (‘Gelman-Rubin’ or ‘Geweke’), stat, which is the value of the dignostic, and upper_ci which is the upper confidence interval for the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic. For the Geweke diagnostic upper_ci contains the value NA. Depending on the simulation performed the return from c212.convergence.diag will contain different variables. The return for a simulation from c212.1a is as follows:

list(sim_type, gamma.conv.diag, theta.conv.diag, mu.gamma.conv.diag,
                       mu.theta.conv.diag, sigma2.gamma.conv.diag,
                       sigma2.theta.conv.diag, mu.gamma.0.conv.diag,
                       mu.theta.0.conv.diag, tau2.gamma.0.conv.diag,

Additional columns which may be used to identify the individual samples are B, the body-system, and AE, the Adverse Event and interval.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
conv = c212.convergence.diag(raw)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(
conv = c212.convergence.diag(raw)

## End(Not run)

Implementation of the Double False Discovery Rate for controlling the False Discovery Rate.


The Double False Discovery Rate is designed to take advantage of possible groupings which may exist within sets of hypotheses. It applies the BH-procedure twice. Once at the group level, to identify sets of hypotheses which may contain significant hypotheses. It then groups these hypotheses together to form a single family and applies the BH-procedure again to declare hypotheses significant.


c212.DFDR(, alpha = 0.05)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index or name of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant by the Double False Discovery Rate process.


R. Carragher


Mehrotra, D. V. and Adewale, A. J. (2012). Flagging clinical adverse experiences: reducing false discoveries without materially compromising power for detecting true signals. Stat Med, 31(18):1918-30.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.DFDR(, 0.05)

## Not run: 
   B j   AE      p
1  2 2  AE3 0.0010
2  3 2  AE7 0.0013
3  3 3  AE8 0.0023
4  2 3  AE4 0.0050
5  2 1  AE2 0.0100
6  3 7 AE12 0.0109
7  3 4  AE9 0.0110
8  3 6 AE11 0.0160
9  3 1  AE6 0.0200
10 3 5 AE10 0.0230

## End(Not run)

Implementaion of Group Bonferroni-Hochberg procedure for control of the False Discovery Rate


Common interface to the error controlling methods: Unadjutsed hypothesis testing (NOADJ), Bonferroni correction (BONF), Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (BH), Group Benjamini-Hochberg (GBH), Double False Discover Rate (DFDR), subset Benjamini-Hochberg (ssBH).


c212.err.cntrl(, alpha = 0.05, method = "NOADJ",...)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index or name of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for error control. E.g. 0.05.


The error control procedure to be applied: "NOAD" - unadjusted testing, "BONF" - Bonferroni correction "BH" - Benjamini-Hochberg procedure "GBH" - Group Benjamini-Hochberg "DFDR" - Double False Discover Rate "ssBH" - subset Benjamini-Hochberg.


Additional optional parameter for the GBH method: pi0.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant by the Group Benjamini-Hochberg process.


R. Carragher

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.err.cntrl( =, alpha = 0.05, method = "GBH")

## Not run: 
   B j   AE        p   p_weighted
1  3 1  AE6 0.020000 0.0000000000
2  3 2  AE7 0.001300 0.0000000000
3  3 3  AE8 0.002300 0.0000000000
4  3 4  AE9 0.011000 0.0000000000
5  3 5 AE10 0.023000 0.0000000000
6  3 6 AE11 0.016000 0.0000000000
7  3 7 AE12 0.010900 0.0000000000
8  2 2  AE3 0.001000 0.0003333333
9  2 3  AE4 0.005000 0.0016666667
10 2 1  AE2 0.010000 0.0033333333
11 2 4  AE5 0.153501 0.0511670000

## End(Not run)

Fisher Test p-values for End of Trial Data Clinical Data


This data set the p-values for a comparison between adverse events on each arm of a clinical trial.




A dataframe with columns B - body-system, AE - adverse event, p - p-value for two-sided Fisher exact test. The dataframe contains 45 observations.

Fisher Exact Test


Perform a Fisher exact test on clinical trial data.


c212.fisher.test(, alternative = "two.sided")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. The data frame must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


Alternative hypothesis may be "two.sided", "greater" or "less". The default is "two.sided".


Perform a Fisher exact test on clinical trial data.


Dataframe containing the results of the test. A copy of the input dataframe with an additional column p containing the p-value from the test.


Wrapper for the R function 'fisher.test' in package 'stats'.


R. Carragher


f = c212.fisher.test(

## Not run: 
f = c212.fisher.test(
          B j       AE            p
1 Bdy-sys_1 1 Adv-Ev_1 2.892876e-01
2 Bdy-sys_2 1 Adv-Ev_2 5.333164e-03
3 Bdy-sys_2 2 Adv-Ev_3 1.601311e-02
4 Bdy-sys_2 3 Adv-Ev_4 6.502108e-01
5 Bdy-sys_2 4 Adv-Ev_5 7.437946e-01
6 Bdy-sys_3 1 Adv-Ev_6 3.746249e-08

## End(Not run)

Implementaion of Group Bonferroni-Hochberg procedure for control of the False Discovery Rate


The Group Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for control of the False Discovery Rate is designed to take advantage of possible groupings which may exist within sets of hypotheses. The procedure estimates the number of true null hypotheses in each grouping and uses this to weight the p-values which are then compared to a weighted level for control. The procedure asymptotically controls the False Discovery Rate at the required level.


c212.GBH(, pi0 = "TST", alpha)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index or name of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


The estimator to use for the estimation of the number of true null hypotheses in each group. Valid values are "TST" and "LSL".


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant by the Group Benjamini-Hochberg process.


The estimator "TST" is the two-stage estimator of Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli. The estimator "LSL" is the least-slope estimator of Benjamini and Hochberg.


R. Carragher


Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010). False Discovery Rate Control With Groups. J Am Stat Assoc, 105(491):1215-1227.

Y. Benjamini, A. M. Krieger, and D. Yekutieli (2006). Adaptive linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate. Biometrika, 93(3):491–507.

Benjamini Y, Hochberg Y. (2000). On the Adaptive Control of the False Discovery Rate in Multiple Testing With Independent Statistics. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 25(1):60–83.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.GBH(, pi0 = "TST", 0.05)

## Not run: 
   B j   AE        p   p_weighted
1  3 1  AE6 0.020000 0.0000000000
2  3 2  AE7 0.001300 0.0000000000
3  3 3  AE8 0.002300 0.0000000000
4  3 4  AE9 0.011000 0.0000000000
5  3 5 AE10 0.023000 0.0000000000
6  3 6 AE11 0.016000 0.0000000000
7  3 7 AE12 0.010900 0.0000000000
8  2 2  AE3 0.001000 0.0003333333
9  2 3  AE4 0.005000 0.0016666667
10 2 1  AE2 0.010000 0.0033333333
11 2 4  AE5 0.153501 0.0511670000

## End(Not run)

Generate a template simulation initial values.


This function generates a template for the initial values to be used to start the simulation. They can be updated by the caller and passed to the simulation function.


c212.gen.initial.values(, nchains = 3,
						model = "1a", hier = 3, level = 0)


A file or data frame containing the trial data, either for end of trial or interim analysis.


The number of chains in the simulation.


The model type: "BB" for point-mass models, "1a" for non-point-mass models.


Allowed values are 2, 3 indicating two or three level hierarchies.


The dependency level in the model: 0, 1, 2.


A dataframe containing the template of initial values.


R. Carragher


init.vals <- c212.gen.initial.values(
## Not run: 
init.vals <- c212.gen.initial.values(

## End(Not run)

Generate a template for the individual model parameter simulation control parameters.


This function generates the default global simulation parameters used by the model simulation functions (e.g. c212.BB).

Usage, model = "BB", hier = 3)


A file or data frame containing the trial data, either for end of trial or interim analysis.


Allowed values are "BB" and "1a" for point-mass and non-point-mass models respectively.


Generate parameters for a two level or three level hierarchy. Allowed values are 2 and 3 respectively.


A dataframe containing the global simulation parameters.


R. Carragher


global.sim.prams <-
## Not run: 
global.sim.prams <-

## End(Not run)

Generate a template for the individual model parameter simulation control parameters.


This function generates the default model hyper-parameters used by the model simulation functions (e.g. c212.BB).


c212.hyper.params(, model = "BB", hier = 3)


A file or data frame containing the trial data, either for end of trial or interim analysis.


Allowed values are "BB" and "1a" for point-mass and non-point-mass models respectively.


Generate parameters for a two level or three level hierarchy. Allowed values are 2 and 3 respectively.


A list containing the model hyper-parameters.


R. Carragher


h.p <- c212.hyper.params(
## Not run: 
h.p <- c212.hyper.params(

## End(Not run)

A Two-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Two-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


c212.interim.1a.hier2(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 10000,
	iter = 40000, nchains = 3,
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "SLICE"),
	param = c("sigma_MH", "w"), value = c(0.2,1), control = c(0,6),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	monitor = data.frame(variable = c("theta", "gamma", "mu.gamma",
	"mu.theta", "sigma2.theta", "sigma2.gamma"),
	monitor = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	initial_values = NULL,
	level = 1,
	hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0 = 0, tau2.gamma.0 = 10, mu.theta.0 = 0,
	tau2.theta.0 = 10, alpha.gamma = 3, beta.gamma = 1,
	alpha.theta = 3, beta.theta = 1),
	memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns I_index (interval index), B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants in the trial arm).


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


A dataframe indicating which sets of variables to monitor.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,

where each element of the list is either a dataframe or array. The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta: dataframe with columns B, chain, value


The level of longitudinal dependency between the intervals. 0 - independent intervals, 1 - common interval body-system means.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The posterior distributions for gamma and theta are sampled with either a Metropolis-Hastings step or a slice sampler.


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys, maxBs,
	maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin, iter, monitor,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, gamma,
	theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run.

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.interim.1a.hier2(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.interim.1a.hier2(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1)

    [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

A Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis without Point-Mass.


c212.interim.1a.hier3(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 10000,
	iter = 40000, nchains = 3,
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "SLICE"),
	param = c("sigma_MH", "w"), value = c(0.2,1), control = c(0,6),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	monitor = data.frame(variable = c("theta", "gamma", "mu.gamma",
	"mu.theta", "sigma2.theta", "sigma2.gamma",
	"mu.theta.0", "mu.gamma.0", "tau2.theta.0", "tau2.gamma.0"),
	monitor = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	initial_values = NULL,
	level = 1,
	hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0.0 = 0, tau2.gamma.0.0 = 10,
	mu.theta.0.0 = 0, tau2.theta.0.0 = 10, alpha.gamma.0.0 = 3,
	beta.gamma.0.0 = 1, alpha.theta.0.0 = 3, beta.theta.0.0 = 1,
	alpha.gamma = 3, beta.gamma = 1,
	alpha.theta = 3, beta.theta = 1),
	memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns I_index (interval index), B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants in the trial arm).


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


A dataframe indicating which sets of variables to monitor.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0,

where each element of the list is either a dataframe or array. The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0: array of size chain.


The level of longitudinal dependency between the intervals. 0 - independent intervals, 1 - common interval body-system means, 2 - weak dependency.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The posterior distributions for gamma and theta are sampled with either a Metropolis-Hastings step or a slice sampler.


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys, maxBs,
	maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin, iter, monitor,
	mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, gamma,
	theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run.

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.interim.1a.hier3(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.interim.1a.hier3(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1)

    [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

A Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


c212.interim.BB.hier2(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 20000,
	iter = 60000, nchains = 5, theta_algorithm = "MH",
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "MH", "MH", "MH",
	param = c("sigma_MH_alpha", "sigma_MH_beta", "sigma_MH_gamma",
	"sigma_MH_theta", "w_alpha", "w_beta", "w_gamma"),
	value = c(3, 3, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1, 1), control = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	monitor = data.frame(variable = c("theta", "gamma", "mu.gamma",
	"mu.theta", "sigma2.theta", "sigma2.gamma", "pi"),
	monitor = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	initial_values = NULL, level = 1,
	hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0 = 0, tau2.gamma.0 = 10, mu.theta.0 = 0,
	tau2.theta.0 = 10, alpha.gamma = 3, beta.gamma = 1, alpha.theta = 3,
	beta.theta = 1, alpha.pi = 1.1, beta.pi = 1.1), = 0.5,
	pm.weights = NULL,
	adapt_phase=1, memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


MCMC algorithm used to sample the theta variables. "MH" is the only currently supported stable algorithm.


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions apart from theta. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


A dataframe indicating which sets of variables to monitor.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, pi, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0,
	tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi)

The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi: dataframe with columns B, chain, value


Allowed values are 0, 1. Respectively these indicate independent intervals, common body-system means across the intervals.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.

A global weighting for the proposal distribution used to sample theta.


Override for specific adverse events.


Unused parameter.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The details of the complete conditional densities are given in Berry and Berry (2004).


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, theta_alg, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys,
	maxBs, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin,
	iter, monitor,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi,
	gamma, theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

theta_alg - an string identifying the algorithm used to sample theta

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

pi - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.interim.1a.hier2(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.interim.1a.hier2(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1)

     [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

A Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


Implementation of a Three-Level Hierarchical Body-system based Model for interim analysis with Point-Mass.


c212.interim.BB.hier3(, sim_type = "SLICE", burnin = 20000,
	iter = 60000, nchains = 5, theta_algorithm = "MH",
	global.sim.params = data.frame(type = c("MH", "MH", "MH", "MH",
	param = c("sigma_MH_alpha", "sigma_MH_beta", "sigma_MH_gamma",
	"sigma_MH_theta", "w_alpha", "w_beta", "w_gamma"),
	value = c(3, 3, 0.2, 0.25, 1, 1, 1), control = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	sim.params = NULL,
	monitor = data.frame(variable = c("theta", "gamma", "mu.gamma", "mu.theta",
	"sigma2.theta", "sigma2.gamma",
	"mu.theta.0", "mu.gamma.0", "tau2.theta.0", "tau2.gamma.0",
	"pi", "alpha.pi", "beta.pi"),
	monitor = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
	initial_values = NULL, level = 1, hyper_params = list(mu.gamma.0.0 = 0,
	tau2.gamma.0.0 = 10, mu.theta.0.0 = 0, tau2.theta.0.0 = 10,
	alpha.gamma.0.0 = 3, beta.gamma.0.0 = 1, alpha.theta.0.0 = 3,
	beta.theta.0.0 = 1, alpha.gamma = 3,
	beta.gamma = 1, alpha.theta = 3, beta.theta = 1,
	lambda.alpha = 1.0, lambda.beta = 1.0), = 0.5,
	pm.weights = NULL,
	adapt_phase=1, memory_model = "HIGH")


A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


The burnin period for the monte-carlo simulation. These are discarded from the returned samples.


The total number of iterations for which the monte-carlo simulation is run. This includes the burnin period. The total number of samples returned is iter - burnin


The number of independent chains to run.


MCMC algorithm used to sample the theta variables. "MH" is the only currently supported stable algorithm.


The type of MCMC method to use for simulating from non-standard distributions apart from theta. Allowed values are "MH" and "SLICE" for Metropolis_Hastings and Slice sampling respectively.


A dataframe indicating which sets of variables to monitor.


A data frame containing the parameters for the simulation type sim_type. For "MH" the parameter is the variance of the normal distribution used to simulate the next candidate value centred on the current value. For "SLICE" the parameters are the estimated width of the slice and a value limiting the search for the next sample.


A dataframe containing simulation parameters which override the global simulation parameters (global.sim.params) for particular model parameters. sim.params must contain the following columns: type: the simulation type ("MH" or "SLICE"); variable: the model parameter for which the simulation parameters are being overridden; B: the body-system (if applicable); AE: the adverse event (if applicable); param: the simulation parameter; value: the overridden value; control: the overridden control value.

The function c212.sim.control.params generates a template for sim.params which can be edited by the user.


The initial values for starting the chains. If NULL (the default) is passed the function generates the initial values for the chains. initial_values is a list with the following format:

list(gamma, theta, mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma,
	sigma2.theta, pi, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0,
	tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi)

The function c212.gen.initial.values can be used to generate a template for the list which can be updated by the user if required. The formats of the list elements are as follows:

gamma, theta: dataframe with columns B, AE, chain, value

mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi: dataframe with columns B, chain, value

mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0, alpha.pi, beta.pi: array of size chain.


Allowed values are 0, 1, 2. Respectively these indicate independent intervals, common body-system means across the intervals and weak relationships between the intervals.


The hyperparameters for the model. The default hyperparameters are those given in Berry and Berry 2004.

A global weighting for the proposal distribution used to sample theta.


Override for specific adverse events.


Unused parameter.


Allowed values are "HIGH" and "LOW". "HIGH" means use as much memory as possible. "LOW" means use the minimum amount of memory.


The model is fitted by a Gibbs sampler. The details of the complete conditional densities are given in Berry and Berry (2004).


The output from the simulation including all the sampled values is as follows:

list(id, theta_alg, sim_type, chains, nIntervals, Intervals, nBodySys,
	maxBs, maxAEs, nAE, AE, B, burnin,
	iter, monitor, mu.gamma.0, mu.theta.0, tau2.gamma.0, tau2.theta.0,
	mu.gamma, mu.theta, sigma2.gamma, sigma2.theta, pi, alpha.pi, beta.pi,
	alpha.pi_acc, beta.pi_acc, gamma, theta, gamma_acc, theta_acc)


id - a string identifying the version of the function

theta_alg - an string identifying the algorithm used to sample theta

sim_type - an string identifying the sampling method used for non-standard distributions, either "MH" or "SLICE"

chains - the number of chains for which the simulation was run

nIntervals - the number of intervals in the simulation

Intervals - an array. The intervals.

nBodySys - the number of body-systems

maxBs - the maximum number of body-systems in an interval

maxAEs - the maximum number of AEs in a body-system

nAE - an array. The number of AEs in each body-system.

AE - an array of dimension nBodySys, maxAEs. The Adverse Events.

B - an array. The body-systems.

burnin - burnin used for the simulation.

iter - the total number of iterations in the simulation.

monitor - the variables being monitored. A dataframe.

mu.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.gamma.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

tau2.theta.0 - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

mu.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

mu.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

sigma2.theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin

pi - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys iter - burnin alpha.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin beta.pi - array of samples of dimension chains, iter - burnin

alpha.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the alpha.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

beta.pi_acc - the acceptance rate for the beta.pi samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, maxAEs

gamma - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

theta - array of samples of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs, iter - burnin

gamma_acc - the acceptance rate for the gamma samples if a Metropolis-Hastings method is used. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs

theta_acc - the acceptance rate for the theta samples. An array of dimension chains, nBodySys, maxAEs


The function performs the simulation and returns the raw output. No checks for convergence are performed.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.interim.BB.hier3(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1, burnin = 100, iter = 200)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.interim.BB.hier3(c212.trial.interval.data1, level = 1)

     [,1]        [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]        
[1,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_1" "Bdy-sys_10" "Bdy-sys_11" "Bdy-sys_12" "Bdy-sys_13"
     [,6]         [,7]         [,8]        [,9]        [,10]       [,11]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_14" "Bdy-sys_15" "Bdy-sys_2" "Bdy-sys_3" "Bdy-sys_4" "Bdy-sys_5"
     [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
[1,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[2,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[3,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[4,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[5,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"
[6,] "Bdy-sys_6" "Bdy-sys_7" "Bdy-sys_8" "Bdy-sys_9"

## End(Not run)

Poisson Maximum Likelihood Estimator


Calculate the Poisson Maximum Likelihood Estimator for interim analysis data.




A file or data frame containing the trial data. It must contain must contain the columns I_index (interval index), B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants in the trial arm).


The maximum likelihood estimators and summary statistics.


R. Carragher


data <- c212.trial.interval.data1[ c212.trial.interval.data1$Interval == "0.0-180.0",]
raw = c212.interim.MLE(data)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.interim.MLE(c212.trial.interval.data1)

## End(Not run)

Implementaion of the least-slope estimator estimator (LSL) for the proportion of true null hypotheses.


The least-slope estimator estimator (LSL) is one of a number of estimators of the proportion of true null hypotheses. This implementation assumes a grouped structure for the data.




Data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index or name of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


An estimate of the proportion of true null hypotheses.


The implementation is that described in Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010).


R. Carragher<[email protected]>


Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010). False Discovery Rate Control With Groups. J Am Stat Assoc, 105(491):1215-1227.

Benjamini Y, Hochberg Y. (2000). On the Adaptive Control of the False Discovery Rate in Multiple Testing With Independent Statistics. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 25(1):60–83.


lsl <- c212.LSL(
## Not run: 
          B       pi0
1 Bdy-sys_5 1.0000000
2 Bdy-sys_6 1.0000000
3 Bdy-sys_7 1.0000000
4 Bdy-sys_8 1.0000000
5 Bdy-sys_2 1.0000000
6 Bdy-sys_3 0.2857143
7 Bdy-sys_4 1.0000000
8 Bdy-sys_1 1.0000000

## End(Not run)

Generate a template for choosing which samples to monitor.


This function generate a template for choosing which samples to monitor based on the model and hierarchy. As some of the MCMC model simulations require large amounts of memory choosing not to monitor samples reduced the overall memory footprint.


c212.monitor.samples(model = "1a", hier = 3)



Allowed values are "1a" and "BB". "BB" models include a point-mass.


Allowed values are 2 and 3. Generate a template for a 2 or 3 level hierarchy.


A dataframe containing two columns:

variable: the name of a class of variables e.g. "theta" monitor: 0 - don't monitor, 1 - monitor.


R. Carragher


c212.monitor.samples("1a", hier = 3)
## Not run: 
c212.monitor.samples("1a", hier = 3)
       variable monitor
1         theta       1
2         gamma       0
3      mu.gamma       0
4      mu.theta       0
5  sigma2.theta       0
6  sigma2.gamma       0
7    mu.theta.0       0
8    mu.gamma.0       0
9  tau2.theta.0       0
10 tau2.gamma.0       0

## End(Not run)

Unadjusted test of multiple hypotheses.


Unadjusted test of multiple hypotheses.


c212.NOADJ(, alpha = 0.05)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must include a column called p which contains the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant at level alpha.


No check is made for duplicate rows in the input file or data frame.


R. Carragher

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.NOADJ(, alpha=0.05)

## Not run: 
   B j   AE      p
1  2 2  AE3 0.0010
2  3 2  AE7 0.0013
3  3 3  AE8 0.0023
4  2 3  AE4 0.0050
5  2 1  AE2 0.0100
6  3 7 AE12 0.0109
7  3 4  AE9 0.0110
8  3 6 AE11 0.0160
9  3 1  AE6 0.0200
10 3 5 AE10 0.0230

## End(Not run)

Plot Adverse Event Incidence Data


This function plots a graph of the total adverse event incidence counts by body-system and by individual adverse event for end of trial data.

Usage, legend = TRUE, interactive = FALSE,
		cex = 0.5)


A file or data frame containing the trial data. The data frame must contain the columns B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Total (total number of participants).


Boolean. If TRUE print a legend.


Boolean. If TRUE allow the user to identify individual adverse events on the individual adverse events graph.


Font size of the labels on the Adverse Event counts graph.


Two graphs are displayed on the same panel. The top graph is of AE Incidence Counts by Body-System. The lower graphs is of the Individual AE Incidence Counts.


Nothing is returned.


The legend may obscure a portion of the graph. In this case the legend may be suppressed by choosing legend = FALSE when calling the function.


R. Carragher


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Plot Adverse Event Count Data for a Body-system by Interval


Plot adverse event interval data for a body-system.

Usage, body_sys, cex = 0.8, title = NULL)


A file or data frame containing the trial data. The data frame must contain the columns I_index (interval), B (body-system), AE (adverse event), Group (1 - control, 2 treatment), Count (total number of events), Exposure (total time of participants spent in the interval).


The body-system for which to plot the events.


Font size of the labels on the Adverse Event counts graph.


Main title of the graph.


This function plots a graph of the count of adverse events which have occurred in an interval for a particular body-system by interval.


Nothing is returned.


R. Carragher


## Not run: 
data(c212.trial.interval.data1), "Bdy-sys_3")

## End(Not run)

Plot Posterior Distribution


This function plots a graph of the sampled posterior distribution.


c212.plot.samples(samples, title)



An array of samples indexed by chain.


The graph title.


Two graphs are displayed on the same panel. The left graph is the traceplot of the chains. The right graph is a plot of the distribution.


Nothing is returned.


R. Carragher


## Not run: 
raw = c212.1a(
sample = raw$theta[,2,2,]
c212.plot.samples(sample, sprintf("%s: %s %s", "theta", raw$B[2], raw$AE[2]))

## End(Not run)

Generate a template for the point-mass weightings.


This function generate a template for weights for the proposal distribution used to sample theta variables in models which use a point-mass.




A file or data frame containing the trial data, either for end of trial or interim analysis.


A dataframe containing the weightings template for each Body-system, adverse event and, if required, interval.


R. Carragher


pmw <- c212.pointmass.weights(
## Not run: 
pmw <- c212.pointmass.weights(
          B        AE weight_pm
1 Bdy-sys_2  Adv-Ev_5       0.5
2 Bdy-sys_5 Adv-Ev_24       0.5
3 Bdy-sys_6 Adv-Ev_31       0.5
4 Bdy-sys_8 Adv-Ev_42       0.5
5 Bdy-sys_7 Adv-Ev_39       0.5
6 Bdy-sys_6 Adv-Ev_34       0.5

## End(Not run)

Print a Summary of the Convergence Diagnostics of the Simulation


The function prints the maximum and minimum values of either Gelman-Rubin diagnostic or the Geweke diagnostic for each group of samples, e.g. theta, gamma, mu.gamma etc.





The output from a call to c212.convergence.diag.




The Geweke statistic is a Z-score calculated from a single chain. Due to the large number of variables sampled it is possible that a certain number will be deemed significant (at the 5% level) even though the simulation may have converged.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
conv = c212.convergence.diag(raw)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(
conv = c212.convergence.diag(raw)

## End(Not run)

Print the Summary Statistics of Posterior Distributions


The function prints the variable names, the mean, the 95 MCMC standard error for the simulated sample.





The output from a call to c212.summary.stats.




R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
summ = c212.summary.stats(raw)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
summ = c212.summary.stats(raw)

## End(Not run)

Reports the posterior probability that theta (the increase in the log-odds) is greater than zero for each Adverse Event


This function reports the posterior probability that theta is positive, i.e. that there is an increase in log odds of an adverse event being associated with treatment.





The output from a call to c212.BB.


A data frame containing the columns: interval if analysing interim data, B: body system, AE: adverse event and ptheta, the posterior probability that theta is positive.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
p = c212.ptheta(raw)

## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
p = c212.ptheta(raw)

          B       AE    ptheta
1 Bdy-sys_1 Adv-Ev_1 0.2560500
2 Bdy-sys_2 Adv-Ev_2 0.9426417
3 Bdy-sys_2 Adv-Ev_3 0.8751500
4 Bdy-sys_2 Adv-Ev_4 0.1154917
5 Bdy-sys_2 Adv-Ev_5 0.2317417
6 Bdy-sys_3 Adv-Ev_6 1.0000000

## End(Not run)

Generate a template for the individual model parameter simulation control parameters.


This function generates a template for overriding the global simulation parameters used by the model simulation functions (e.g. c212.BB).


c212.sim.control.params(, model = "1a")


A file or data frame containing the trial data, either for end of trial or interim analysis.


Allowed values are "BB" and "1a" for point-mass and non-point-mass models respectively.


A dataframe containing the simulation parameters template.


R. Carragher


s.p <- c212.sim.control.params(
## Not run: 
s.p <- c212.sim.control.params(

   type variable         B        AE param value control
1 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_2  Adv-Ev_5     w     1       6
2 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_5 Adv-Ev_24     w     1       6
3 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_6 Adv-Ev_31     w     1       6
4 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_8 Adv-Ev_42     w     1       6
5 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_7 Adv-Ev_39     w     1       6
6 SLICE    gamma Bdy-sys_6 Adv-Ev_34     w     1       6

## End(Not run)

Implementation of Subset Benjamini-Hochberg for False Discover Rate control


The Subset Benjamini-Hochberg allows for the use of subsets to allow the extension of the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to types of non-positively dependent regression statistics.


c212.ssBH(, alpha = 0.05)


File or data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


The subset of hypotheses in file or deemed significant by the Subset Benjamini-Hochberg process.


This process is at most as powerful as the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. The subsets do not have to be disjoint.


R. Carragher


Yekutieli, Daniel (2008). False discovery rate control for non-positively regression dependent test statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(2):405-415.

Examples <- data.frame(B = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4),
j = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
AE = c("AE1", "AE2", "AE3", "AE4", "AE5", "AE6", "AE7", "AE8", "AE9", "AE10", "AE11",
"AE12", "AE13", "AE14", "AE15", "AE16", "AE17"),
p = c(0.135005, 0.010000, 0.001000, 0.005000, 0.153501, 0.020000, 0.0013, 0.0023,
0.011, 0.023000, 0.016, 0.0109, 0.559111, 0.751986, 0.308339, 0.837154, 0.325882))

c212.ssBH(, alpha=0.05)

## Not run: 
  B j   AE      p
1 2 2  AE3 0.0010
2 2 3  AE4 0.0050
3 3 2  AE7 0.0013
4 3 3  AE8 0.0023
5 3 7 AE12 0.0109
6 3 4  AE9 0.0110

## End(Not run)

Summary Statistics for the Posterior Distributions in the model.


Returns the Summary Statistics for the Posterior Distributions in the model.





The output from a model simulation (e.g. c212.BB).


The function reports the mean, upper and lower bounds of the 95 standard deviation and MCMC standard error.


Returns a list of the summary statistics for each sampled variable. Each element of the list is a data.frame containing at least the columns mean, hpi_lower, hpi_upper, SD and SE. For the simulation return by c212.1a the output is as follows:

list(theta.summary, gamma.summary, mu.gamma.summary,
								mu.theta.summary = mu.theta_summ,
								sigma2.gamma.summary, sigma2.theta.summary,
								mu.gamma.0.summary, mu.theta.0.summary,
								tau2.gamma.0.summary, tau2.theta.0.summary)

Additional columns which may be used to identify the individual variables are B, the body-system, and AE, the Adverse Event and interval.


The MCMC error is found using the 'coda' summary function.


R. Carragher


raw = c212.BB(, burnin = 100, iter = 200)
summ = c212.summary.stats(raw)
## Not run: 
raw = c212.BB(
summ = c212.summary.stats(raw)

## End(Not run)

End of Trial Data Clinical Data for Adverse Event Incidence


This data set contains the counts of adverse event incidence for the trial.




A dataframe with columns B - body-system, AE - adverse event, Group - 1 for control, 2 for treatment, Count - total adverse event incidence, Total - total patients on the trial arm. The dataframe contains 90 observations.

Interim analysis trial data.


This data set contains count of the adverse events over the first two intervals of a clinical trial.




A dataframe with columns interval, I_index - the interval order, B - body-system, AE - adverse event, Group - 1 for control, 2 for treatment, Count - total adverse events that occurred in the interval, Exposure - the total time all at risk subjects spent in the interval. The dataframe contains 1860 observations.

Interim analysis trial data.


This data set contains count of the adverse events over all intervals of a clinical trial.




A dataframe with columns interval, I_index - the interval order, B - body-system, AE - adverse event, Group - 1 for control, 2 for treatment, Count - total adverse events that occurred in the interval, Exposure - the total time all at risk subjects spent in the interval. The dataframe contains 3100 observations.

Implementaion of the two-stage estimator (TST) for the proportion of true null hypotheses.


The two-stage estimator (TST) is one of a number of estimators of the proportion of true null hypotheses. It uses the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure at a reduced level to make the estimate. This implementation assumes a grouped structure for the data.


c212.TST(, alpha)


Data frame containing the p-values for the hypotheses being tested. The data must contain the following columns: B: the index or name of the groupings; p: the p-values of the hypotheses.


The level for FDR control. E.g. 0.05.


An estimate of the proportion of true null hypotheses.


The implementation is that described in Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010).


R. Carragher<[email protected]>


Hu, J. X. and Zhao, H. and Zhou, H. H. (2010). False Discovery Rate Control With Groups. J Am Stat Assoc, 105(491):1215-1227.

Y. Benjamini, A. M. Krieger, and D. Yekutieli (2006). Adaptive linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate. Biometrika, 93(3):491–507.


## Not run: 
          B pi0
1 Bdy-sys_5 1.0
2 Bdy-sys_6 1.0
3 Bdy-sys_7 1.0
4 Bdy-sys_8 1.0
5 Bdy-sys_2 0.5
6 Bdy-sys_3 0.0
7 Bdy-sys_4 1.0
8 Bdy-sys_1 1.0

## End(Not run)